Tuesday, April 23, 2013

What Is Joy?

Do you really know what joy is?  Think about it.  What comes to mind when you think about joy?  Is it happiness?  Is it contentment?  Is it peace?  Or when you think about joy, do your thoughts naturally go to some past experience that brought you that indescribable feeling that can only be described as joy?

When it comes right down to it, joy is one of those things that we all think we know and we certainly can identify it when it happens.  However, putting down into words exactly what joy is can be more difficult.  Even more difficult than that is the concept of how to get more joy in your life.  We can pursue those things that we think might bring back those warm, comfortable, feelings that we so often describe as joy; but usually those things we pursue either disappoint us or only result in brief, temporary pleasure.

Biblically, being joyful is more about being gracious and thankful than it is about being happy. Rather than having a pleasurable experience, joy is more related to being glad for our experiences – even when they are not pleasurable.

Indescribable Joy: Discovering the Principles of Joy from Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, will walk you through eight principles from the book of Philippians that will help you better understand exactly what joy is and how you can actually create more joy in your life.  In this way, regardless of what you might face in life, you too can have Indescribable Joy.

Indescribable Joy is now available in paperback and Kindle formats from Amazon.com or at http://www.jjdison.com/home/BookStore/indescribable-joy

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