We made it to Guatemala City without incident… well, except that Dr. Bob Hall got his knife confiscated at the airport. We had to be at the Birmingham Airport at 4am this morning... yikes! Way too early for me... Now that we are here, we are staying at the Arkansas House tonight, but will be traveling to Rio Hondo tomorrow morning before Sunday Church services. I have not had much opportunity to take pictures, but here a just a couple.
Arriving at Guatemala City airport
The Arkansas House is used to temporarily house incoming or visiting missionaries. It is called the Arkansas House because the Arkansas state missions board rennovated and build portions of it.
Glenna and Keith Bentley are the local Baptist missionaries in Guatemala City. They have been here since December.
One of our interpreters, Freddie... One of our drivers, Louis, with his two kids Louis, Jr. and Leslie.
I don't know if I will have internet access in Rio Hondo, but we will be back here at the Arkansas House on Thursday. I should be able to update then.. if not sooner.
Keep praying for us...
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