I just self-published my third book, Crises of Faith: Walking Through God’s Refining Fire. It can be found on Amazon at this link: https://a.co/d/86E2OLz
In one sense,
this book is somewhat autobiographical. As such, the very legitimate question
you may be asking yourself is, “Who is this guy and why is his story important
enough for me to read?” That is an
excellent question and a legitimate one to boot. I’m nobody. I’m not famous.
There is a good chance you’ve never heard of me. I’ve never done anything
spectacular or amazing. I’ve never pastored a mega-church or, for that matter,
a large church of any kind. My entire ministry has been bi-vocational with what
would be considered by earthly measures only mediocre success. So why would you
want to know about my life? Allow me to
this is not my story, it is God’s story. This is the story about how God works
in the lives of flawed people to accomplish his work in their lives. In the
process, he uses them to influence other people and so advance the kingdom of
the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is the story of a loving Heavenly Father who
cares enough for his children to do whatever it takes, however painful it may
be for them, to make them beautiful.
the end of the day, it is a story of the goodness and faithfulness of God. It
is written from my personal perspective based on my sometimes admittedly flawed
memory. My desire is for you to see the hand of God working in a man who, at
some points, was doing everything he could to push that hand away and, at other
points, was desperately trying to embrace it.
is a story about looking beyond the pain of the present to the glory of the
eternal. It is a story that needs to be read before you hear those fateful
words from the doctor, before you get the bad news from the boss, or before
whatever trial is about to happen reveals itself in your life. It has been said
that every person has either recently exited a time of trial, is currently
experiencing a time of trial, or is about to enter a time of trial. Therefore,
every person needs to understand something important:
grace will never fail.
As I tell this story, each chapter unfolds important events that have impacted my character and/or the trajectory of my life. Each of these events revealed a truth that God was teaching me and/or changes he was making to my character. At the end of each chapter, I have included a short section that I have called Applicable Truths. While there may have very well been other “applicable truths” revealed within the context of the story itself, this section is where I focus on the most important truths of that chapter. I will explain their importance by applying the truths of God’s word to the circumstances that I had experienced. My hope is that you will see the reality of these truths in the events that are unfolded and thus be able to apply the truths to your own life. My prayer is that those truths be implanted into your life and ultimately grow into the fruit of righteousness.
Here is what has already been said about the book:
“I highly recommend my friend Joel Dison's book, Crises of Faith. As a God-called pastor, Joel shares his personal journey with raw and unflinching honesty, highlighting the challenges he faced with his own personality, weight, finances, and relationships. What makes this autobiography unique is Joel's self-awareness of how he sometimes made every mistake in the book, as he acknowledges Jesus Christ as the only true hero in his story. Through his candid storytelling, Joel shows how faith can sustain us even in the darkest of times. If you are looking for an introspective and inspiring read, Crises of Faith is must-read. I guarantee that all Christ-followers will relate to the hurt, hope, and help that Joel experienced in his journey.”
Chris Crain, Executive Director
Birmingham Metro Baptist Association
Tina Sumpter,
Christian LPC, author, speaker,
and GNF Women’s
Ministry Coach
"Crises of Faith is a
compelling and honest look at life, ministry, and the call of the Gospel of
Jesus. Once you begin reading you will have a hard time putting it down. Joel’s
honesty is refreshing and the stories he shares are relatable for all who would
read it."
Jay Stewart, Office
Cooperative Program and
Church Finance
Alabama Baptist State
Board of Missions
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